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is an associate professor and coordinator of the Certificate in Ethics, Values, and Society in the Philosophy Department at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee.  +
is the author of several books and papers on David Hume  +
a Canadian philosopher of science and mathematics.  +
marketing researcher  +
a philosopher of science  +
a German-English philosopher of science who found the journal "Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science"  +
an American philosopher of science  +
A British historian that was one of the first authors to write about Whig interpretations of history.  +
a philosopher of science whose research interests included the work of Leibniz, Newton, Galileo, Whewell, and Kant  +
an American biostatistician and data scientist notable for his work on medical research publishing  +
A French professor of Sociology influential in Science and Technology Studies, and a major proponent of Actor-Network Theory along with [[Bruno Latour]]  +
an American historian of science, best known for their study of uniformitarian geology and the overall state of science in the 19th century.  +
a British historian and philosopher of physics, especially eighteenth and nineteenth century optics.  +
a German-born philosopher of science and logician. He was a prominent member of the Vienna Circle and a proponent of logical positivism  +
is a science writer working for Nature. Previously he has been an editor at Scientific American and a physical sciences reporter at Science News. He has degrees in mathematics and in science writing  +
an Italian scientonomer notable for her work on the history of dark matter  +
a philosopher of science notable for his work on the topics in metaphysics and epistemology of science  +
a Korean-born American historian and philosopher of science notable for his work on integrating HPS  +
an American philosopher notable for his work on the history of early modern philosophy, philosophy of mind and action, and metaphysics  +