Property:Editor Notes

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Checked and OK except no prehistory  +
An example or two would be nice  +
A few examples would be nice  +
This is a cocktail from several questions. One about the existence of conclusive assessment. Second about the indicators of conclusive assessment. TODO: it needs to be unpacked.  +
Perhaps some prehistory would be nice  +
Needs prehistory and elaboration of description  +
This needs to be renamed to Method Employment to ensure that it is in tune with the naming convention for epistemic stances (eg. Theory Acceptance).  +
TODO: Nikki write a description  +
The prehistory is extremely poorly written. I've fixed it a bit, but there is more work to be done.  +
TODO: Nikki add a description  +
Needs a proper description, prehistory, history  +
TODO: add more description and history  +
TODO: add history and description  +
I am not sure this belongs here. Seems like an epistemic practice question, a sub question of how are theories being constructed  +
Why normative in the title?  +
The whole prehistory needs rewriting. It's very poor at the moment.  +
TODO: prehistory is needed. There is a whole literature on the role of the provenance of the theory on its acceptance.  +
TODO: add prehistory and description  +