Longino (1987)

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Longino, Helen. (1987) Can There Be A Feminist Science? Hypatia 2 (3), 51-64.

Title Can There Be A Feminist Science?
Resource Type journal article
Author(s) Helen Longino
Year 1987
DOI 10.1111/j.1527-2001.1987.tb01341.x DOI: 10.1111/j.1527-2001.1987.tb01341.x
Journal Hypatia
Volume 2
Number 3
Pages 51-64


This paper explores a number of recent proposals regarding “feminist science” and rejects a content-based approach in favour of a process-based approach to characterizing feminist science. Philosophy of science can yield models of scientific reasoning that illuminate the interaction between cultural values and ideology and scientific inquiry. While we can use these models to expose masculine and other forms of bias, we can also use them to defend the introduction of assumptions grounded in feminist political values.