Non-Epistemic Community

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What is non-epistemic community? How should it be defined? I.e. how can it be differentiated from epistemic community?

The term epistemic community is widely used in many contexts when referring to communities that have to do with knowledge. This assumes that there are also non-epistemic communities. The term needs a proper definition to make it clear what differentiates epistemic communities from non-epistemic communities.

In the scientonomic context, this term was first used by Nicholas Overgaard in 2016. The term is currently accepted by Scientonomy community.

Scientonomic History

Acceptance Record of the Term

Here is the complete acceptance record of this term (it includes all the instances when the term was accepted as a part of a community's taxonomy):
CommunityAccepted FromAcceptance IndicatorsStill AcceptedAccepted UntilRejection Indicators
Scientonomy10 September 2016The question became accepted with the publication of Overgaard's A Taxonomy for Social Agents of Scientific Change.Yes

All Definitions

The following definitions of non-epistemic community the term have been suggested:
TheoryFormulationFormulated In
Non-Epistemic Community (Overgaard-2017)A community that does not have a collective intentionality to know the world.2017
If a definition of this term is missing, please click here to add it.

Accepted Definitions

According to our records, no definition of non-epistemic community has ever been accepted.

Suggested Modifications

Here is a list of modifications concerning the definitions of non-epistemic community:
Modification Community Date Suggested Summary Date Assessed Verdict Verdict Rationale
Sciento-2017-0014 Scientonomy 19 May 2017 Provided that the definition of community is accepted, accept new definitions of epistemic community and non-epistemic community as sub-types of community. Open

Current Definition

At the moment, the term has no accepted definition in Scientonomy.



In Scientonomy, there are currently no accepted claims concerning the existence of Non-Epistemic Community.


In Scientonomy, there are currently no accepted subtypes of Non-Epistemic Community.


In Scientonomy, there are currently no accepted supertypes of Non-Epistemic Community.


In Scientonomy, there are currently no accepted associations of Non-Epistemic Community.


In Scientonomy, no classes are currently accepted as disjoint with Non-Epistemic Community.

If a question concerning the ontology of a non-epistemic community is missing, please add it here.


If a question concerning the dynamics of a non-epistemic community is missing, please add it here.

Related Topics

This term is also related to the following topic(s):