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Patton and Machado-Marques [[CiteRef::Machado-Marques and Patton (2021)]] analyzed several instances of scientific error and showed that scientific error handling, when properly analyzed, is fully consistent with the theory rejection theorem. They argued that instances of scientific error typically involve the rejection of one or more of the premises of the argument that leads to the erroneous conclusion as well as the conclusion itself. In most cases, first-order propositions of the original erroneously accepted theory are replaced by other first-order propositions incompatible with them. In some cases, however, first-order propositions are replaced by second-order propositions asserting the lack of sufficient reason for accepting these first-order propositions. In both cases, such a replacement is fully consistent with the theory rejection theorem.
|Modification=Accept that, in scientific practice, the handling of error is fully in accord with the theory rejection theorem.
|To Accept=Error (Machado-Marques-Patton-2021), Theory Rejection(Machado-Marques-Patton-2021)
|Parent Modifications=Modification:Sciento-2021-0003
