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George Sarton (31 August 1884 – 22 March 1956) was a Belgian-American chemist and historian who is widely considered to be the founder of the discipline of history of science.


Here are the works of Sarton included in the bibliographic records of this encyclopedia:

  • Sarton (2017): Sarton, George. (2017) Appreciation of Ancient and Medieval Science in the Renaissance (1450-1600). University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Sarton (2011): Sarton, George. (2011) A History of Science: Ancient Science Through the Golden Age of Greece. Dover Publications.
  • Sarton (2007): Sarton, George. (2007) The Life of Science: Essays in the History of Civilization. Slusser Press.
  • Sarton (1987): Sarton, George. (1987) The History of Science and the New Humanism. Routledge.
  • Sarton (1959): Sarton, George. (1959) A History of Science: Hellenistic Science and Culture. Harvard University Press.
  • Sarton (1957b): Sarton, George. (1957) Six Wings: Men of Science in the Renaissance. University of Indiana Press.
  • Sarton (1957a): Sarton, George. (1957) The Study of the History of Mathematics. Dover Publications.
  • Sarton (1955): Sarton, George. (1955) "Historians and Philosophers" of Science. Isis 46 (4), 360-366.
  • Sarton (1954): Sarton, George. (1954) Galen of Pergamon. University of Kansas Press.
  • Sarton (1954b): Sarton, George. (1954) Experiments in Truth by Faraday, Darwin, and Gandhi. Osiris 11, 87-107.
  • Sarton (1952b): Sarton, George. (1952) Auguste Comte, Historian of Science: With a Short Digression on Clotilde de Vaux and Harriet Taylor. Osiris 10, 328-357.
  • Sarton (1952): Sarton, George. (1952) A Guide to the History of Science. Chronica Botanica Company.
  • Sarton (1951): Sarton, George. (1951) The Incubation of Western Culture in the Middle East. Library of Congress.
  • Sarton (1950b): Sarton, George. (1950) Decimal Systems Early and Late. Osiris 9, 581-601.
  • Sarton (1950): Sarton, George. (1950) Boyle and Bayle, the Sceptical Chemist and the Sceptical Historian. Chymia 3, 155-189.
  • Sarton (1947): Sarton, George. (1947) Introduction to the History of Science Volume 3: Science and Learning in the Fourteenth Century. Williams and Wilkins Company.
  • Sarton (1940): Sarton, George. (1940) Remarks on the Study of Babylonian Mathematics. Isis 31 (2), 398-404.
  • Sarton (1938): Sarton, George. (1938) The Tomb of Omar Khayyam. Isis 29 (1), 15-19.
  • Sarton (1937): Sarton, George. (1937) Darwin's Conception of the Theory of Natural Selection. Isis 26 (2), 336-340.
  • Sarton (1936): Sarton, George. (1936) The Study of the History of Science. Harvard University Press.
  • Sarton (1936b): Sarton, George. (1936) Minoan Mathematics. Isis 24 (2), 375-381.
  • Sarton (1935): Sarton, George. (1935) The First Explanation of Decimal Fractions and Measures (1585), Together with a History of the Decimal Idea and a Facsimile (No. XVII) of Stevin's Disme. Isis 23 (1), 153-244.
  • Sarton (1932): Sarton, George. (1932) The Discovery of Conical Refraction by William Rowan Hamilton and Humphrey Lloyd (1833). Isis 17 (1), 154-170.
  • Sarton (1932b): Sarton, George. (1932) The Discovery of the Main Nutation of the Earth's Axis (1748). Isis 17 (2), 333-383.
  • Sarton (1931c): Sarton, George. (1931) The Discovery of the Aberration of Light (1729). Isis 16 (2), 233-265.
  • Sarton (1931): Sarton, George. (1931) Introduction to the History of Science Volume 2: From Rabbi Ben Ezra to Roger Bacon. Williams and Wilkins Company.
  • Sarton (1931b): Sarton, George. (1931) The Discovery of the Electric Cell. Isis 15 (1), 124-157.
  • Sarton (1930): Sarton, George. (1930) Teaching the History of Science. Isis 13 (2), 272-297.
  • Sarton (1930b): Sarton, George. (1930) Aristotle and Phyllis. Isis 14 (1), 8-19.
  • Sarton (1930c): Sarton, George. (1930) The Discovery of the Theory of Natural Selection. Isis 14 (1), 133-154.
  • Sarton (1930d): Sarton, George. (1930) The Discovery of the Dispersion of Light and of the Nature of Colour (1672). Isis 14 (2), 326-341.
  • Sarton (1929): Sarton, George. (1929) The Discovery of the Law of Conservation of Energy. Isis 13 (1), 18-44.
  • Sarton (1927): Sarton, George. (1927) Introduction to the History of Science Volume 1: From Homer to Omar Khayyam. Williams and Wilkins Company.
  • Sarton (1924): Sarton, George. (1924) The New Humanism. Isis 6 (1), 9-42.
  • Sarton (1923): Sarton, George. (1923) Knowledge and Charity. Isis 5 (1), 5-19.
  • Sarton (1916): Sarton, George. (1916) The History of Science. The Monist 26 (3), 321-365.

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  1. a b c d  Singer, Dorothea and Singer, Charles. (1957) George Sarton and the History of Science. Isis 48 (3), 306-310.
  2. a b c d e f  Cohen, Bernard I. (1957) George Sarton. Isis 48 (3), 286-300.
  3. a b c d e f  Dear, Peter. (2009) The History of Science and the History of the Sciences: George Sarton, Isis, and the Two Cultures. Isis 100 (1), 89-93.
  4. a b c  Sarton, George. (1924) The New Humanism. Isis 6 (1), 9-42.
  5. a b  Nickles, Thomas. (1995) Philosophy of Science and History of Science. Osiris 10, 139-163.