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This is the template for Definitional topics. This template is to be used for all terms (topics, the answers to which are definitions). It incorporates an ontology section where the ontology related to the term is summarized.

Among other things, the template creates a hierarchy of classes and adds the following properties for ease of access:

  • Subsumed items - includes the page itself as well as all of its subclasses, the subclasses of subclasses etc. This is similar to MediWiki's notion of Category where a category includes all of its subcategories as well as itself.
  • Descendant items - includes the page's subclasses, the subclasses of subclasses etc., but not itself. This data can be used to check if a given class is a subtype (sub, subtype, etc.) of another class but not itself.
  • Ancestor items - includes the page's superclasses, the superclasses of superclasses etc., but not itself.

In addition, it creates the following multivalued properties (lists):

  • Parent Topic - The list of immediate parent terms (no grandparents).
  • Child Topic - The list of immediate child terms (no grandchildren).

NOTE: this inheritance hierarchy is created irrespective of the agent who accepts the class as a subtype/supertype of another class. Such an agent-agnostic hierarchy is required when adding new theories that select their answer from a list of subtypes, or adding inherited questions.

IMPORTANT: It is not to be conflated with the actual agent-relative ontology of the term, stored in subobjects of SubObjectCategory=Topic Current Ontology with Ontological Question Type={Supertypes, Supertypes}.

It should be called in the following format:

{{Definitional Topic
|Singular Capitalized=
|Singular Lowercase=
|Plural Capitalized=
|Plural Lowercase=
|Indefinite Article=
|Authors List=
|Formulated Year=
|Academic Events=
|Current View=
|Related Topics=
|Page Status=
|Editor Notes=

Edit the page to see the template text.