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Modification talk:Sciento-2022-0002

Commenting on this modification is closed; the modification is accepted.

Hakob Barseghyan

19 months ago
Score 0
I believe this is a very welcome addition to scientonomic body of knowledge. Rawleigh makes a strong case for the new law of method employment, which has clear advantages over the current third law. I agree with Rawleigh, that there doesn't seem to be any prima facie reasons to think that the mechanism of method employment should be somehow different from the mechanism of norm employment in general. Thus, until shown otherwise, I believe we should accept Rawleigh's formulation of the law of norm employment. I also think that the replacement of deducible with derivable makes sense, as it makes the law applicable to mosaic of those agents who rely on non-deductive types of inference. Finally, Rawleigh's formulation also does a good job of getting rid of the enumeration of epistemic elements and allows for methods to be derivable from any epistemic elements that are part of the agent's mosaic. Among other things, the formulation is also more future proof: we won't have to change it if and when we include other elements into our ontology. Overall, this is a great improvement over our current third law and is to be accepted.

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