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Template:Calendar kit evaluating table

Calendar extension template.

Calendar kit evaluating table

ID Items\ Calendar kits Simple Calendar Calendar (Kenyu73) DPL Calendar
1 i18n Uses files in the ..\wiki\languages\messages Yes Easy to do by users.
2 Easy to install O O X
3 Custom event titles O O O
4 Watching events made by other person's or group's calendars X Yes Using parameter of "purpose" and Category to deal with this item.
5 Events can be specified with a namespace O Yes O
6 Calendar GUI Good Better Good
7 Switching events to show on the GUI or not X (It's can not show events on the GUI.) O O
8 Easy to switch to previous or next month Using Call extension with the parser function O (Using a Javascript solution) Using Call extension with the switch on the GUI.
9 Switching to show the days of all year or month in the GUI O O X
10 Having another sortable table to show the events Using DPL solution As the calendar does not use the YYYY-MM-DD format, it is difficult to accomplish Default switching by the parameter of "eventList"
11 Having form Solution Using Semantic_Forms to create a red link page with specific namespace X Using Semantic_Forms to create a red link page with specific namespace
12 Emailing a event to specific someone Using Extension:Todo Tasks solution. Using Extension:Todo Tasks solution. Using Extension:Todo Tasks solution.
13 Colors the current day O O X
14 Uses Parser or tag Parser tag Parser
15 Easy to sort the events with DPL or SMW solution (Date format) O (YYYY-MM-DD or others) X O (YYYY-MM-DD)
16 Setting to show a specific year or month. O O O
17 How to make a calendar for a user using By setting events' title By setting events' title By setting events' category