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This is the category of ''normative theory''. It includes all pages with individual normative theories. E.g. a separate page exists for Barseghyan's 2015 prescription that scientonomic theories should concern themselves with changes in descriptive theories only and a separate page exists for Sebastien's 2016 prescription that the scope of scientonomy should also include changes in normative theories.
To create a page for a normative theory please locate the respective topic in category [[:Category:Normative Topic|Normative Topic]], click on it, and create it under the button below''All Theories'' section.
{{#formlink:form=Normative Theory|link text=Add a New Normative Theory|link type=button|query string=Theory[Theory Type]=Normative|}}
<div style="display: none;">{{#default_form:Normative Theory}}</div>