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438 bytes removed ,  15:44, 20 February 2023
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! Heritable: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Can a similar question be also asked about the subtypes of its subject? E.g. the question "What epistemic stances can be taken towards epistemic elements?" is heritable, as similar questions can be also asked about the subtypes of epistemic element: "What epistemic stances can be taken towards theories?", "What epistemic stances can be taken towards questions?", etc. NOTE: inherited questions are not themselves heritable.</p>
-->{{{field|Inherited From|hidden|default={{#var: varInheritedFrom}}|}}}<!--
-->{{#if: {{#var: varHeritable}}<!--
-->|<!-- if heritable is known, it cannot be changed
!width="30%"| Predicate: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">A question prompts to semantically link a subject with an object by means of a certain predicate. The predicate can be plain text or a term registered in the encyclopedia. E.g. for the question "What are the subtypes of epistemic element?", the predicate is "subtype of". For the question "Which epistemic stances can be taken towards theories?", the predicate is "can be taken towards". The predicate can be a term registered in the encyclopedia or some text.</p>
-->{{#if: {{#var: varPredicatevarInheritedFrom}}<!-- -->|{{#var: varPredicate|}} {{{field|Predicate|hidden|default={{#var: varPredicate|}}|}}}<!-- -->|<!-- -->{{#if: {{#var: varPredicate}}<!-- -->|{{#var: varPredicate|}} {{{field|Predicate|hidden|default={{#var: varPredicate|}}|}}}<!-- -->| {{{field|Predicate|input type=combobox|values from category=Definitional Topic}}}<!-- -->}} <!-- of predicate is given -->}}<!-- -->
! Object Type: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Semantically, a question is an RDF triple, where the subject and the predicate are known, while the object is asked for. Thus, a question asks for an object that is related by means of the given predicate to the given subject. The answer's object may be an open text or it can be something more restricting, such as a subtype of a certain class, a number, an enumeration, or even a regular expression.</p>
{| class="formtable"
!width="30%"| Text for "True": <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">The text that corresponds to value "True". If not given, the software will use "Yes" for value "True".</p>
|width="70%"| {{{field|Object Value True|input type=text|size=50|maxlength=200|default=Yes|mandatory}}}
! Text for "False": <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">The text that corresponds to value "False". If not given, the software will use "No" for value "False".</p>
| {{{field|Object Value False|input type=text|size=50|maxlength=200|default=No|mandatory}}}
! Related Topics: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">List all the topics related to this topic. NOTE: Do not include the parent topic and the subtopics of this topic, as these will be displayed automatically. IMPORTANT: Those related questions that don't currently have an accepted theory will be listed in the ''Open Questions'' section.</p>
| {{{field|Related Topics|input type=tokens|max values=20|existing values only|values from category=Topic}}}
! Sorting Order: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">This number will be used to position this question and the answers within the lists of questions/answers (e.g. when displaying the answers to a question's subquestions). The sorting is done in ascending order; the lower numbers will be displayed earlier. The allowed range is 1..9999. If unassigned, the value of 10000 will be assigned and the topic will be displayed last.</p>
| {{{field|Sorting Order|property=Sorting Order}}}
--><!-- only editors can see or modify the page status
{{!}} {{{field|Editor Notes|input type=textarea|rows=3}}}<!--
-->}}<!-- ifingroup
--> |-! Order: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">First-order questions are questions about the process of scientific change. Second-order questions are questions about first-order questions or theories. E.g. ''How do theories become accepted?'' is a first-order question in scientonomy, whereas ''Is the law of theory acceptance a tautology?'' is a second-order question.</p>| {{{field|Order|input type=dropdown|mandatory|values=1,2|default=1|show on select=2=>secondorder}}}
<div id="secondorder">
{| class="formtable"
!width="30%"| First Order Elements: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">The first order epistemic elements (theories and/or questions) about which this second-order question is. E.g. the second-order question ''Is the law of theory acceptance a tautology?'' is about the law of theory acceptance which is itself a first-order theory, whereas the second order question ''Is the theory rejection theorem deducible from the law of inertia?'' is about first-order theory rejection theorem and the first-order law of scientific inertia.</p>
|width="70%"| {{{field|Lower Order Elements|input type=tokens|existing values only|values from category=First Order Element}}}
{{{end template}}}