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Finkenstaedt, Thomas. (1990) Measuring Research Performance in the Humanities. Scientometrics 19 (5), 409-417.

Title Measuring Research Performance in the Humanities
Resource Type journal article
Author(s) Thomas Finkenstaedt
Year 1990
DOI 10.1007/BF02020703
Journal Scientometrics
Volume 19
Number 5
Pages 409-417


The article starts from the specific difficulties of applying quantitative analysis to the humanities and the general resistance to such analysis in the Federal Republic of Germany. It gives a survey of the attempts to apply bibliometric methods in English Studies, the only subject investigated so far. The highly individual nature of research in the humanities is stressed and differences in subfields are illustrated. There is little influence of departmental size or age on the publication behaviour of individuals. More studies of citation behaviour are needed for a reliable evaluation of the impact of research in the humanities.