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Method Hierarchy (Mercuri-Barseghyan-2019)

This is a definition of Method Hierarchy that states "A set of methods is said to constitute a hierarchy iff theories that satisfy the requirements of methods that are higher in the hierarchy are preferred to theories that satisfy the requirements of methods that are lower in the hierarchy."

Method Hierarchy (Mercuri-Barseghyan-2019).png

This definition of Method Hierarchy was formulated by Hakob Barseghyan and Mathew Mercuri in 2019.1

Scientonomic History

Acceptance Record

This definition has never been accepted.

Suggestions To Accept

Here are all the modifications where the acceptance of this definition has been suggested:

Modification Community Date Suggested Summary Verdict Verdict Rationale Date Assessed
Sciento-2019-0013 Scientonomy 24 December 2019 Accept the existence of method hierarchies and the new definition of method hierarchy as a set of methods where theories that satisfy the requirements of methods that are higher in the hierarchy are preferred to theories that satisfy the requirements of methods that are lower in the hierarchy. Also accept the question of conceptualizing method hierarchies. Open

Question Answered

Method Hierarchy (Mercuri-Barseghyan-2019) is an attempt to answer the following question: What is method hierarchy? How should it be defined?

See Method Hierarchy for more details.


According to this definition, in a hierarchy of methods more stringent requirements take precedence over less stringent requirement. Thus, when there are theories satisfying the most stringent requirements, these theories become accepted. However, when no such theory is available, the epistemic agent in question seeks for theories that satisfy the requirements of the second - less stringent - method in the hierarchy. If such a theory is not found, the agent is then prepared to accept theories that satisfy even the even less stringent requirements of the third method in hierarchy, and so on.1


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Questions About This Definition

There are no higher-order questions concerning this definition.

If a question about this definition is missing, please add it here.


  1. a b  Mercuri, Mathew and Barseghyan, Hakob. (2019) Method Hierarchies in Clinical Epidemiology. Scientonomy 3, 45-61. Retrieved from