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Modification talk:Sciento-2019-0015

Commenting on this modification is closed; the modification is accepted.

Hakob Barseghyan

28 months ago
Score 0
This modification aims to codify our de facto communal stance towards the ontology of epistemic agents. Many recent articles published in the journal assume this ontology of epistemic agents. Barseghyan and Levesley (2021), for instance, use exclusively the term epistemic agent. Similarly, in their paper on error handling, Machado-Marques and Patton (2021) consider examples not only of scientific communities but also of individual epistemic agents. This also goes for many earlier papers. Consider, for example, Loiselle's examples of authority delegation to individual experts (Loiselle, 2017). The same goes for more recent projects. The seminar discussions only confirm this: there is a communal consensus on this. Thus, it is safe to say that we have already de facto accepted this ontology.

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