Palider (2022)

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Palider, Kye. (2022) Ways of Integrating HPS: Top-down, Bottom-up, and Iterations. In Barseghyan et al. (Eds.) (2022), 21-39.

Title Ways of Integrating HPS: Top-down, Bottom-up, and Iterations
Resource Type collection article
Author(s) Kye Palider
Year 2022
Collection Barseghyan et al. (Eds.) (2022)
Pages 21-39


Philosophy of science and history of science have been unable to integrate in a meaningful fashion. The major difficulty has been the question of how the history of science can inform the philosophy of science. By making several distinctions to characterize the type of philosophy of science relevant for integrated HPS, I show how traditional approaches to integration failed. These include a top-down and a bottom-up philosophical approach to integrated HPS. I then present a more fruitful way of integrating the disciplines, that of iterations.