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Property:Publisher (Exif:Dc-publisher)

This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Oxford: Oxford University Press  +
Oxford: Oxford University Press  +
Oxford: Oxford University Press  +
Oxford: Oxford University Press  +
Oxford: Oxford University Press  +
Oxford: Oxford University Press  +
Oxford: Oxford University Press  +
Oxford: Oxford University Press  +
Oxford: Oxford University Press  +
Oxford: Oxford University Press  +
Oxford: Oxford University Press  +
Oxford: Oxford University Press  +
Philosophy of Science Association  +
Dover Publications  +
I. Iaggard  +
John W. Parker & Son  +
Oxford University Press  +
Parry & McMillan  +
Taggard and Thompson  +
Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts.  +