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! Formulation Text: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Give the exact formulation of the theory here. IMPORTANT: Please avoid any wiki markup here, such as references, or wiki links.</p>
| {{{field|Formulation Text|input type=textarea|rows=5|mandatory}}}
! Formulation File: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Often formulations need to appear in a standard box with a title and text. Select or upload the image for this formulation.</p>
| {{{field|Formulation File|input type=text with autocomplete|existing values only|values from namespace=File|uploadable|property=Formulation File}}}
! Association Type: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Aggregation is a '''Has-a''' relationship, where one class can exist independent of another. A composition is a '''Part-of''' relationship, where the part cannot exist independent of the whole. For all other types of relations, select "Association".</p>