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Taking the four laws of scientific change as the starting point, the following theorems about the process of scientific change have so far been deduced.
====Rejection of Elements====
We can deduce three theorems that have to do with the rejection of [[Theory|theories ]] or [[Method|methods ]] from the [[Scientific Mosaic|scientific mosaic]].
=====Dogmatism theorem=====
No [[Theory|theory ]] acceptance may take place in a genuinely dogmatic [[Scientific Community|community]]. Suppose a community has an accepted theory that asserts that it is the final and absolute truth. By the [[The Third Law |Third Law]] we deduce the method: accept no new theories ever. By the [[The Second Law|Second Law ]] we deduce that no new theory can ever be accepted by the employed method of the time. By the [[The First Law|First Law]], we deduce that the accepted theory will remain the accepted theory forever[[CiteRef::Barseghyan (2015)|p. 165-167]].
=====Method rejection theorem=====
A [[Method|method]] ceases to be employed only when other methods that are incompatible with it become employed. By the [[The First Law |First Law]] for methods, an employed method will remain employed until it is replaced by other methods. By the [[The Zeroth Law|Zeroth Law]], the elements of the [[Scientific Mosaic|scientific mosaic]] must be compatible with one another. Thus, a method can only become rejected when it is replaced by an incompatible method or methods[[CiteRef::Barseghyan (2015)|p. 172-176]].
=====synchronism of method rejection theorem=====
A [[Method|method ]] becomes rejected only when some of the [[Theory|theories ]] from which it follows become rejected. By the method rejection theorem, a method is rejected when other methods incompatible with it become employed. By the Third Law, this can happen only some of the theories from which it follows are also rejected [[CiteRef::Barseghyan (2015)|p. 177-183]].
