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Showing 16 pages using this property.
Accept that the handling of scientific error, as defined by Machado-Marques and Patton, is compatible with ''the theory rejection theorem''.  +
Accept that the phenomenon of ''element decay'' exists as a ''non-scientonomic'' phenomenon.  +
Accept new definitions of ''subquestion'', ''core question'', ''core theory'', ''discipline'', ''delineating theory'', ''subdiscipline'', and ''discipline acceptance''.  +
Accept a new model-theoretic definition of ''scientific mosaic'', according to which, a scientific mosaic is a model of all epistemic elements accepted or employed by the epistemic agent.  +
Accept the new law of norm employment that fixes some of the issues of the current law of method employment and makes it applicable to norms of all types.  +
Accept the findings concerning the acceptance and rejection of the existence of high mass-to-light ratios, flat rotation curves, and dark matter by the Western astronomy community.  +
Accept new formulations of the first law for theories, norms, and questions that are in tune with the formulation of the first law. Also accept new formulations of the respective rejection theorems - theory rejection, norm rejection, and question rejection.  +
Accept that the first law and its corollaries are tautologies. Also accept that the rejection theorems are tautologies.  +
Accept that noun-adjective pairs within the RSC can be indicative of communal theory acceptance.  +
Accept the definition of ''epistemic action'' as an action of an epistemic agent that involves an epistemic element.  +
Accept that epistemic actions can be local or global. Also accept the definition of ''global epistemic action'' as an epistemic action that is available to all epistemic agents trans-historically and universally and the definition of ''local epistemic action'' as an epistemic action that is not available trans-historically to all epistemic agents, but is specific to some time periods or some agents.  +
Accept that the a local action ''A'' is said to be available to an epistemic agent ''iff'' that agent employs the norm “''A'' is permissible/desirable”. Also accept the theorem of local action availability as a deductive consequence of this definition and the law of norm employment: a local epistemic action becomes available to an agent only when its permissibility/desirability is derivable from a non-empty subset of other elements of the agent’s mosaic.  +
Accept the findings concerning the discipline dynamics of alchemy and its core questions in the Western European chymistry community.  +
Accept that the phenomenon of ''element decay'' exists.  +
Accept a list of necessary indicators of ''theory decay''.  +
Accept that element decay is a non-scientonomic phenomenon.  +