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Accept that noun-adjective pairs within the RSC can be indicative of communal theory acceptance.

The modification was suggested to Scientonomy community by G. G. Shan on 31 December 2023.1 The modification is currently being evaluated; a verdict is pending.


Corpus linguistics can accelerate the work of observational scientonomy by computationally identifying potential cases of communal theory acceptance in early modern England. A set of noun-adjective pairs potentially synonymous with “accepted theory” was identified using corpus searches. Following this, around 1,400 excerpts potentially indicating instances of theory acceptance were retrieved using corpus queries containing the noun-adjective pairs. Following the presentation of corpus search results, possible strategies for identifying the epistemic agent, as well as the RSC’s place within the broader historical context were discussed. The prospect of implementing corpus linguistics in observational scientonomy arguably brings the Tree of Knowledge project closer to the actualization of a database; for this reason, while corpus linguistics is being explored, so should the methodologies for interpreting computationally retrieved data.


Accept that noun-adjective pairs within the RSC can be indicative of communal theory acceptance.


The modification is currently being evaluated; a verdict is pending.

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  1. ^  Shan, G. G. (2023) Corpus Linguistics Strategies for Identifying Accepted Theories in Early Modern England. Scientonomy 5, 47-71. Retrieved from