Associations of Community

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How is the class of community associated with other classes (and itself)? What aggregation, composition, or other association relations can exist between communities, as well as between a community and instances of other classes?

In the scientonomic context, this question was first formulated by Nicholas Overgaard in 2016. The question is currently accepted as a legitimate topic for discussion by Scientonomy community. The following association of Community is currently accepted in Scientonomy:

Scientonomic History

Acceptance Record of the Question

Here is the complete acceptance record of this question (it includes all the instances when the question was accepted as a legitimate topic for discussion by a community):
CommunityAccepted FromAcceptance IndicatorsStill AcceptedAccepted UntilRejection Indicators
Scientonomy19 May 2017The question of Associations of Community became accepted by virtue of the acceptance of Community. The question became accepted with the publication of Overgaard's A Taxonomy for Social Agents of Scientific Change.Yes

All Direct Answers

The following answers have been added to this encyclopedia:
TheoryFormulationFormulated In
Community Can Delegate Authority to Another Community (Loiselle-Overgaard-2016)A community can delegate authority to another community.2016
Community Can Have Subcommunities (Overgaard-2017)A community can consist of other communities.2017
If a theory concerning the associations of a community is missing, please click here to add it.

Accepted Direct Answers

The following theories have been accepted as direct answers to this question:
CommunityTheoryFormulationAccepted FromAccepted Until
ScientonomyCommunity Can Delegate Authority to Another Community (Loiselle-Overgaard-2016)A community can delegate authority to another community.1 February 2017

Suggested Modifications

Here is a list of modifications concerning this topic:
Modification Community Date Suggested Summary Date Assessed Verdict Verdict Rationale
Sciento-2017-0013 Scientonomy 19 May 2017 Accept that communities can consist of other communities, i.e. that there is such a thing as a sub-community. Open
Sciento-2019-0017 Scientonomy 26 December 2019 Accept the definitions of authority delegation, and its subtypes, that generalize the currently accepted definitions to apply to all epistemic agents, rather than only communities. 6 February 2023 Accepted The commentators found the modification uncontroversial.c1 c2 It was noted that the modification "merely attempts to capture what is already de facto accepted - namely, the idea that authority can be delegated by and to epistemic agents of all kinds (both communal and individual)" as indicated by the "fact that the canonical examples of authority delegation often involve individual experts (see, for example, Loiselle 2017)".c3 It was agreed that the modification "introduces a necessary rewording in the definitions of authority delegation and its species".c4

Current View

In Scientonomy, the following association of Community is currently accepted:

Community Can Delegate Authority to Another Community (Loiselle-Overgaard-2016) states: "A community can delegate authority to another community."

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