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Accept the questions of the mechanism question acceptance and indicators of question acceptance as legitimate topics of scientonomic inquiry.

The modification was suggested to Scientonomy community by William Rawleigh on 12 May 2018.1 This modification presupposes the acceptance of Sciento-2018-0002 and Sciento-2018-0003. The modification was accepted on 1 November 2018.


Once we accept that questions are a separate class of epistemic elements, it becomes reasonable to inquire into the mechanism of question acceptance, i.e. how epistemic communities come to accept certain questions as legitimate and others as illegitimate. It becomes equally legitimate to inquire about the historical indicators of question acceptance, i.e. how an observational scientonomist cam establish that a certain question was in fact accepted by a certain epistemic agent at a certain time.


Questions To Accept


The modification was accepted on 1 November 2018. As the modification concerned exclusively questions, it was set to be accepted automatically once its "parent" modifications became accepted. Thus, the questions of the mechanism of question acceptance and indicators of question acceptance became automatically accepted once the presupposed modifications were accepted.

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  1. ^  Rawleigh, William. (2018) The Status of Questions in the Ontology of Scientific Change. Scientonomy 2, 1-12. Retrieved from