Inexplicable (Mirkin-Barseghyan-2018)

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This is a definition of Inexplicable that states "Non-propositional knowledge, i.e. knowledge that cannot, even in principle, be formulated as a set of propositions."

This definition of Inexplicable was formulated by Hakob Barseghyan and Maxim Mirkin in 2018.1 It is currently accepted by Scientonomy community as the best available definition of the term.

Scientonomic History

Acceptance Record

Here is the complete acceptance record of this definition:
CommunityAccepted FromAcceptance IndicatorsStill AcceptedAccepted UntilRejection Indicators
Scientonomy1 September 2019The definition became accepted as a result of the acceptance of the respective suggested modification.Yes

Suggestions To Accept

Here are all the modifications where the acceptance of this definition has been suggested:

Modification Community Date Suggested Summary Date Assessed Verdict Verdict Rationale
Sciento-2018-0011 Scientonomy 28 December 2018 Accept the three-fold distinction between explicit, explicable-implicit, and inexplicable. 1 September 2019 Accepted The consensus on this modification emerged primarily off-line. It was agreed that "the modification should be accepted".c1 It was also agreed "that the three-fold distinction is to be accepted as it introduces a distinction between explicable-implicit and inexplicable and thus contributes to the clarity of discussions concerning implicit and explicit."c2

Question Answered

Inexplicable (Mirkin-Barseghyan-2018) is an attempt to answer the following question: What is inexplicable knowledge? How should it be defined?

See Inexplicable for more details.


The category is agent-relative and encompasses that knowledge which cannot - even in principle - be explicated. The definition was first suggested by Hakob Barseghyan and Maxim Mirkin in their The Role of Technological Knowledge in Scientific Change2 and was restated by Mirkin in his The Status of Technological Knowledge in the Scientific Mosaic.


No reasons are indicated for this definition.

If a reason supporting this definition is missing, please add it here.

Questions About This Definition

There are no higher-order questions concerning this definition.

If a question about this definition is missing, please add it here.


  1. ^  Mirkin, Maxim. (2018) The Status of Technological Knowledge in the Scientific Mosaic. Scientonomy 2, 39-53. Retrieved from
  2. ^  Barseghyan, Hakob and Mirkin, Maxim. (2019) The Role of Technological Knowledge in Scientific Change. In Héder and Nádasi (Eds.) (2019), 5-17.