Palider (2019)

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Palider, Kye. (2019) Reasons in the Scientonomic Ontology. Scientonomy 3, 15-31. Retrieved from

Title Reasons in the Scientonomic Ontology
Resource Type journal article
Author(s) Kye Palider
Year 2019
DOI 10.33137/js.v3i0.33557
Journal Scientonomy
Volume 3
Pages 15-31


The question of how we come to accept new theories is a central area of inquiry in scientonomic discourse. However, there has yet to be a formal discussion of the subjective reasons an agent may have for accepting theories. This paper explores these epistemic reasons and constructs a historically sensitive definition of reason. This formulation takes an abstractionist stance towards the ontology of reasons and makes use of a composite basing relation. The descriptive and normative components of reasons are fully formulated in scientonomic terms through the application of the newly introduced notion of implication, and its separation from the notion of inference. In addition, the paper provides scientonomic definitions for sufficient reason, support, and normative inference. The fruitfulness of this formulation of reasons is illustrated by a few examples.


Here are all the theories formulated in Palider (2019):

TheoryTypeFormulationFormulated In
Normative Inference (Palider-2019)DefinitionAn agent takes theory A to normatively infer theory B iff the agent accepts A, accepts that AB, and accepts (ε, A, AB) →ε (Should accept B).2019
Implication (Palider-2019)DefinitionA logical transition from one theory to another.2019
Sufficient Reason (Palider-2019)DefinitionAn agent takes theory A to be a sufficient reason for (accepting) theory B iff the following four conditions are met:

(1) The agent accepts A.

(2) The agent accepts that AB.

(3) The agent employs ε.

(4) The agent accepts (ε, A, AB) →ε (Should accept B).
Reason (Palider-2019)DefinitionAn agent takes theory A to be a reason for theory B iff the agent accepts that AB, employs ε, and accepts (ε, A, AB) →ε (Should accept B).2019
Support (Palider-2019)DefinitionAn agent takes theory A to be supporting theory B iff the agent accepts A and accepts that AB.2019
Sufficient Reason theorem (Palider-2019)DescriptiveA theory becomes accepted by an agent, when an agent has a sufficient reason for accepting it.2019

Suggested Modifications

Here are all the modifications suggested in Palider (2019):

  • Sciento-2019-0009: Accept the definition of implication as a logical transition from one theory to another. The modification was suggested to Scientonomy community by Kye Palider on 23 December 2019.1 The modification is currently being evaluated; a verdict is pending.
  • Sciento-2019-0010: Accept the new definitions of sufficient reason, reason, support, and normative inference. The modification was suggested to Scientonomy community by Kye Palider on 23 December 2019.1 The modification is currently being evaluated; a verdict is pending.
  • Sciento-2019-0011: Accept the sufficient reason theorem and its deduction from the definition of sufficient reason and the second law. The modification was suggested to Scientonomy community by Kye Palider on 23 December 2019.1 The modification is currently being evaluated; a verdict is pending.


  1. a b c  Palider, Kye. (2019) Reasons in the Scientonomic Ontology. Scientonomy 3, 15-31. Retrieved from