Property:Formulation Text

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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
[[Compatibility]] is a subtype of [[Epistemic Stance]], i.e. epistemic stance is a supertype of compatibility.  +
If a pair of elements satisfies the compatibility criteria employed at the time, it becomes compatible within the mosaic; if it does not, it is deemed incompatible; and if assessment is inconclusive, the pair can become compatible, incompatible, or its status may be unknown.  +
At any moment of time, the elements of the scientific mosaic are compatible with each other.  +
The ability of two elements to coexist in the same mosaic.  +
The possible outcomes of theory assessment are ''satisfied'', ''not satisfied'', and ''inconclusive''.  +
Theory assessment is an assessment of a proposed modification of the mosaic by the method employed at the time.  +
The contextual appraisal theorem is a deductive consequence of the first law and the second law.  +
A core question of a discipline is a question identified in the discipline’s delineating theory as definitive of the discipline.  +
There is such a thing as a [[Core Question|core question]].  +
A core question of a discipline is a question identified in the discipline’s delineating theory as definitive of the discipline.  +
A core theory of a discipline is a theory presupposed by the discipline’s core questions.  +
There is such a thing as a [[Core Theory|core theory]].  +
A core theory of a discipline is a theory presupposed by the discipline’s core questions.  +
A method becomes employed only when it is deducible from some subset of other employed methods and accepted theories of the time.  +
A statement of the meaning of a term.  +
There is such a thing as a [[Definition|definition]].  +
[[Definition]] is a subtype of [[Theory]], i.e. theory is a supertype of definition.  +
A statement of the meaning of a term.  +
A second-order theory identifying the set of core questions of a discipline.  +
There is such a thing as a [[Delineating Theory|delineating theory]].  +