Scientific Mosaic

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What is scientific mosaic? How should it be defined?

Scientific mosaic is one of the key concepts in current scientonomy. Thus, its proper definition is of great importance.

In the scientonomic context, this term was first used by Hakob Barseghyan in 2015. The term is currently accepted by Scientonomy community.

In Scientonomy, the accepted definition of the term is:

  • A model of all epistemic elements accepted or employed by the epistemic agent.

Broader History

Although almost all of the great philosophers of science of the 20th century have described the history of science in terms of a changing, systematic collection of beliefs, there has never been a real consensus in the language used to describe such a collection. Thomas Kuhn used the word paradigm to talk of integrated collections of theories, methods, and values that were replaced during episodes of revolutionary scientific change.12 Imre Lakatos described a set of propositions as fitting into a scientific research programme;3 Larry Laudan used the concept of research tradition.45 Richard DeWitt talks of worldviews to describe the beliefs held by a scientific community at any given time.6p. 7

Although these terms are used to describe collections of scientific beliefs at some particular point in history, it would be wrong to assume that they are interchangeable. There has been much debate within the philosophy of science over what constitutes the exact contents of a given community’s system of beliefs. While for Karl Popper and Imre Lakatos a belief system would only include descriptive propositions, for the later Larry Laudan, methods and values should be included along with theories as part of the fabric of a community’s belief system.5p. 26

There has also been debate concerning whether or not scientific methods change over time. The methods of science were once supposed to be fixed. The idea that methods should be included as historically relative elements within a community’s system of beliefs is known as the dynamic method thesis, and was proposed by Paul Feyerabend in the 1970’s.78 In the late 1980's, the question of the existence of static methods became a focal point of the debate between Larry Laudan and John Worrall. In his Science and Values, Laudan (referred to as the 'later Laudan' because his views changed substantially over his career) argued that no method of theory assessment is immune to change. Worrall disagreed, claiming that there are some methods which have persisted throughout all changes.591011 The idea that scientific methods change through time is now generally accepted among contemporary historians and philosophers of science.

Scientonomic History

The term scientific mosaic was coined by Barseghyan in 2012 within the context of the The Theory of Scientific Change (TSC). It was suggested at the outset that a scientific mosaic should be understood as a collection of changeable theories and methods. The mosaic metaphor was chosen because the tiles of a mosaic may be tightly adjusted, or their may be a considerable gap between them. In scientific mosaics there may be considerable gaps, such as that between general relativity and quantum mechanics, despite the fact that both are accepted parts of the mosaic.12p. 5

The initial notion of scientific mosaic worked well with the original ontology of epistemic elements suggested by Barseghyan in The Laws of Scientific Change as well as the modified ontology suggested by Sebastien in "The Status of Normative Propositions in the Theory of Scientific Change", since in both ontologies theories and methods are the only two fundamental types of epistemic elements.1213

With the acceptance of Rawleigh's new ontology of epistemic elements which added questions as a new type of epistemic element, it became apparent that the definition of scientific mosaic should be adjusted to include questions.14 One such definition was suggested by Barseghyan in his "Redrafting the Ontology of Scientific Change".15 The new definition became became accepted in 2020. As this definition does not refer to any epistemic elements explicitly, it is in principle compatible with any future ontology insofar as that ontology involves the notions of acceptance and employment.

In 2022, Rawleigh suggested an updated, model-theoretic definition that replaces the explicitly set-theoretic wording “set of all epistemic elements” with a semantic “model of all accepted elements”.16p. 91 This new definition was discussed at the 2024 scientonomy workshop and became accepted by a two-thirds majority.

Acceptance Record of the Term

Here is the complete acceptance record of this term (it includes all the instances when the term was accepted as a part of a community's taxonomy):
CommunityAccepted FromAcceptance IndicatorsStill AcceptedAccepted UntilRejection Indicators
Scientonomy1 January 2016This is when the community accepted its first definition of the term, Scientific Mosaic (Barseghyan-2015), which indicates that the question is itself considered legitimate.Yes

All Definitions

The following definitions of scientific mosaic the term have been suggested:
TheoryFormulationFormulated In
Scientific Mosaic (Barseghyan-2015)A set of all accepted theories and employed methods.2015
Scientific Mosaic (Barseghyan-2018)A set of all epistemic elements accepted and/or employed by an epistemic agent.2018
Scientific Mosaic (Rawleigh-2022)A model of all epistemic elements accepted or employed by the epistemic agent.2022
If a definition of this term is missing, please click here to add it.

Accepted Definitions

The following definitions of scientific mosaic have been accepted:
CommunityTheoryFormulationAccepted FromAccepted Until
ScientonomyScientific Mosaic (Barseghyan-2015)A set of all accepted theories and employed methods.1 January 201617 May 2020
ScientonomyScientific Mosaic (Barseghyan-2018)A set of all epistemic elements accepted and/or employed by an epistemic agent.17 May 202021 February 2024
ScientonomyScientific Mosaic (Rawleigh-2022)A model of all epistemic elements accepted or employed by the epistemic agent.21 February 2024

Suggested Modifications

Here is a list of modifications concerning the definitions of scientific mosaic:
Modification Community Date Suggested Summary Date Assessed Verdict Verdict Rationale
Sciento-2018-0009 Scientonomy 8 October 2018 Accept the new definition of scientific mosaic as a set of all epistemic elements accepted and/or employed by the epistemic agent. 17 May 2020 Accepted Initially, the modification raised an objection from Patton who argued that the modification "is not acceptable at present, because it contains a term; epistemic agent, which has not yet been defined within scientonomy".c1 This objection received two counterarguments. According to Barseghyan, the lack of such a definition of epistemic agent should not "be taken as a reason for postponing the acceptance of the definition of scientific mosaic", since inevitably any taxonomy contains terms that "rely in their definitions on other (yet) undefined terms".c2 This point was seconded by Rawleigh who argued that the definition of scientific mosaic is to be accepted regardless of whether there is an accepted definition of epistemic agent, since "it's de facto accepted already that some agent is required to have a mosaic".c3 In early 2020, Patton dropped his objection as he found that there was "sufficient general understanding of what an epistemic agent is to accept this definition of the scientific mosaic, even without first accepting a definition of epistemic agent".c4 Additionally, Rawleigh argued that the definition is to be accepted since we have "already accepted the revised question-theory ontology".c5
Sciento-2022-0001 Scientonomy 28 February 2022 Accept a new model-theoretic definition of scientific mosaic, according to which, a scientific mosaic is a model of all epistemic elements accepted or employed by the epistemic agent. 21 February 2024 Accepted Nobody submitted opinions on this modification to the encyclopedia prior to the 2024 workshop. At the workshop, most of the discussion focused around the differences in wording between the earlier definition of scientific mosaic and the new one as formulated by Rawleigh. It was clarified that there is little difference in meaning between the definitions, but Rawleigh’s modification addressed the concern that the old language for describing a scientific mosaic was couched in terms of set theory, which Jamie Shaw pointed out would pose a problem for how we typically talk about mosaics (classifying mosaics by their number of elements is not particularly helpful for scientonomers). The new model-theoretic definition seemed more intuitive to some members of the community, even though neither definition commits to any syntactic view of theories. Some members of the community did not vote on the modification given their lack of experience with set theory, but overall the modification was accepted by over a two-thirds majority of voters. 13 out of 15 votes were to accept.

Current Definition

In Scientonomy, the accepted definition of the term is Scientific Mosaic (Rawleigh-2022).

Scientific Mosaic (Rawleigh-2022) states: "A model of all epistemic elements accepted or employed by the epistemic agent."

Scientific Mosaic (Rawleigh-2022).png

Rather than conceiving a scientific mosaic as a simple set-theoretic unity of epistemic elements, this definition is model-theoretic: it replaces the explicitly set-theoretic wording “set of all epistemic elements” with a semantic “model of all accepted elements”.16p. 91 The definition considers a scientific mosaic to be a model for interpreting all natural language sentences, whether those be observational, theoretical, or simply ordinary conversational sentences.

TODO: Add Rawleigh's discussion from his 2022.



In Scientonomy, it is currently accepted that "There is such a thing as a scientific mosaic."


In Scientonomy, there are currently no accepted subtypes of Scientific Mosaic.


In Scientonomy, there are currently no accepted supertypes of Scientific Mosaic.


In Scientonomy, there are currently no accepted associations of Scientific Mosaic.


In Scientonomy, no classes are currently accepted as disjoint with Scientific Mosaic.

If a question concerning the ontology of a scientific mosaic is missing, please add it here.


If a question concerning the dynamics of a scientific mosaic is missing, please add it here.

Related Topics

This term is also related to the following topic(s):


  1. ^  Bird, Alexander. (2011) Thomas Kuhn. In Zalta (Ed.) (2016). Retrieved from
  2. ^  Kuhn, Thomas. (1962) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. University of Chicago Press.
  3. ^  Lakatos, Imre. (1978) Philosophical Papers: Volume 1. The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes. Cambridge University Press.
  4. ^  Matheson, Carl and Dallmann, Justin. (2015) Historicist Theories of Scientific Rationality. In Zalta (Ed.) (2016). Retrieved from
  5. a b c  Laudan, Larry. (1984) Science and Values. University of California Press.
  6. ^  DeWitt, Richard. (2010) An Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science. Wiley-Blackwell.
  7. ^  Preston, John. (2016) Paul Feyerabend. In Zalta (Ed.) (2016). Retrieved from
  8. ^  Feyerabend, Paul. (1975) Against Method. New Left Books.
  9. ^  Worrall, John. (1988) Review: The Value of a Fixed Methodology. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 39, 263-275.
  10. ^  Laudan, Larry. (1989) If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 40, 369-375.
  11. ^  Worrall, John. (1989) Fix It and Be Damned: A Reply to Laudan. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 40, 376-388.
  12. a b  Barseghyan, Hakob. (2015) The Laws of Scientific Change. Springer.
  13. ^  Sebastien, Zoe. (2016) The Status of Normative Propositions in the Theory of Scientific Change. Scientonomy 1, 1-9. Retrieved from
  14. ^  Rawleigh, William. (2018) The Status of Questions in the Ontology of Scientific Change. Scientonomy 2, 1-12. Retrieved from
  15. ^  Barseghyan, Hakob. (2018) Redrafting the Ontology of Scientific Change. Scientonomy 2, 13-38. Retrieved from
  16. a b  Rawleigh, William. (2022) Reconceiving Scientific Mosaics: A New Formalization for Theoretical Scientonomy. In Barseghyan et al. (Eds.) (2022), 83-103.